Viral Videos

Mobile Video Strategy For 2016

Mobile Video Strategy For 2016

The very first challenge that marketers have to face, is how they create a big audience of followers, to watch their videos. There’s no point in launching a video campaign without subscribers, followers or an engaged social media audience. This is the case when brands would turn to paid advertising to entice sharing and speed up audience building.

Grow Your Business With Video Marketing

Online Video
If you own a small business or are in business for yourself, there’s a lot of compelling evidence suggesting that online video marketing should be a major focus of your advertising and marketing budget. 

Studies show that more than half of the companies are already investing to this medium. A predicted cost that continues to intensify, thus, dominating the strategies of marketing in the near future. It is easy to see why.

Video is Incomparable

Online video satisfies people with the information and entertainment that they need. Youtube receives one billion of unique visitors every month apart from Facebook. Statistics shows that over 6 billion hours of video are viewed each month on YouTubeand the number of daily subscriptions every is up three times each year. Video gives you access to all these information.

“It’s about highlighting ways that brands can do really compelling, sharable, video content.” said Jonathan PerelmanBuzzFeed’s General Manager of Video & VP Agency Strategy. By allowing viewers to engage and share the video with others will allow them to extend their time on your website as they interact with your brand. For any type of social media campaign, or any SEO practice, video is in no doubt, the best tool kit in marketing.

Video Is Naturally Likable

People engage with content that is easy to digest, if not it will result in consumers moving away or ignoring the content. Video does this job well. It does not only act as a powerful tool in advertising but it is a great method to keep your consumers interested, well, “engaged”. Besides video being naturally likable, how it builds a deeper connection amplifies what digital marketing provides—engagement. A lot of people are already wired up to something appealing. That is why marketers are challenged to get consumers’ attention by spending more time engaging with them.

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Ideas to Create Videos to Drive Traffic and Conversions

When thinking about a video strategy, every business should find the best content to connect with their audience. Check this article to find ideas!
Ideas for videos

Are you using video effectively to market your business? Want to discover the best kinds of videos to make and the best times to present them?

Different types of video should be used at different times to help your audience connect with your products and services. A new prospect has much different needs than an established customer.

In this article I’ll share seven ways to use the right type of video at the right time to increase traffic and conversions throughout the sales cycle.

#1: Increase Conversions With Product Videos

Since website visitors are anywhere from 64% to 85% more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it, create short promotional videos that show off the main benefits and features of your products and put them on your website.

For example, if you have an apparel store, instead of just posting photos, add a video of a model wearing your clothes. If you offer a service, use video to explain what problem your service solves and how it goes about doing so.

PadMapper created an animated video that explains the service well, and with a light and humorous tone.

Produce the video yourself, go with an agency or use tools such as Wideo or PowToon to create an animated video. Don’t be afraid to be creative and take some risks.

Video doesn’t necessarily mean setting up a shoot and filming. A lot of great videos are just repurposed product images. Just insert photos into a cool template with nice transitions and text, and add some background music or other audio.

#2: Drive Traffic With How-to Videos

How-to videos catch viewers with prime buyer intent. They have a problem they want to solve or something they want to learn. It is up to you to show them how to do it. In fact, nearly 1 in 3 Millennials say they purchased a product as a direct result of watching a tutorial or how-to video about it.

Come up with and share uses of your product. For example, explain to consumers how to tie a tie or show home cooks how to make certain recipes for your ingredient. Don’t try to sell your product in this type of video, just focus on instructing your audience.

The Home Depot creates how-to videos for projects. Of course, after the video piques customers’ interest, a shopping trip to get the supplies is in order.

Videos appear in 52% of Google keyword searches and 82% of them are from YouTube, so remember to optimize your video with keywords for SEO. Write detailed meta descriptions about your video and add transcripts of your voiceover. Just like with written works, produce great content that inspires people to engage with your videos.

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Video Marketing for Small Business

Video Marketing for Small Business

Small businesses should not underestimate the power of video marketing and how it can rapidly increase brand awareness and the bottom line.